Running Rabbits Military Museum 

The Running Rabbits Military Museum opened on ANZAC Day in 2007.
The museum is fully accredited by Museums Australia and The Australia War Museum.  Located at the Upwey-Belgrave RSL, it is the only accredited RSL Museum in Victoria.

The museum holds over 4000 items of memorabilia, photographs, weaponry, documents, artefacts and equipment from the Boer War through to WWI and WWII to the current day peacekeeping missions.

There are some major items on display in and outside the Museum.

We also have an extensive a library of books and magazines available, many that are used by University researchers. 

Entrance to the museum is a gold coin donation.
School groups are welcome and volunteer guides are available to take groups around the museum by prior arrangement. 

Open: Thursdays 10:00am to 12:00pm
Sundays 10:00am to 2:00pm
Other Times – by appointment only contact RSL Admin or Memorabilia Officer

The museum is run by a group of dedicated volunteers. 
Their role is crucial to the ongoing success of the museum. 
If you have an interest in military history, research, facilitating education programs, or restoration and would like to volunteer please email
Our tour guides have extensive knowledge and amazing stories about all the items in our collection. 
From manufacturing, to where, who and how it was used and how it came to be in our collection.

We have a number of detailed models and dioramas depicting historical moments in Australia's military history. These are always a visitor's highlight.

Our museum has many interactive displays and we encourage all our visitors to "step into character" to gain real life perspective and appreciation of our military history.

The Museum will educate and entertain all ages and take them on an emotional journey through time and learn about Australia’s important role in various wars.

 It is named in recognition of the Kokoda Campaign. 
The name “Running Rabbits” comes from an insult bellowed to Australian soldiers by their Commander, saying that they had been beaten in battle and ‘the rabbit that ran away is the rabbit that got shot‘. The men were indignant at this comment by their superior officer and so the museum is so named to throw their bravery back in his face.

Location: 1 Mast Gully Road UPWEY,VICTORIA , AUSTRALIA.
Off Burwood Highway Melways Map 75 A8

Telephone: Vaughan Atherton 0411 575 239 (in regards to firearms)

Honour Roll

Pay tribute to the 422 persons listed on the Roll of Honour Plaques at the Upwey Belgrave RSL Memorial.

This is not the complete list of individuals who served from the Upwey and Belgrave RSLs nor do we have the complete details for a number of those listed.

We are constantly researching information to add to the information we have and to also add any missing individuals.  If you are able to add to the data or add a name we would be most appreciative.

Contact Upwey Belgrave Museum if you may be able to assist or click here for more inforamtion  

Memorabilia Donations

The Running Rabbits Military Museum has the authority and capability to accept donations of uniforms, equipment, all types of firearms, accessories, ordinance, relics, letters and photographs that may have been returned to Australia by service personnel as souvenirs of their experiences.

These items are an intricate part of our history and any such donations may be made in the strictest of confidence if desired. If the item has a history or its acquisition history is known we would also like to obtain that so the ties to past deeds are not lost in time.

Our aim is to ensure that these historical items may be retained and displayed for the public to view to better appreciate the military commitment to the nation. If you wish to discuss donating items to the museum, please speak with any of the committee members who will answer your questions when you visit or alternatively contact –Curator Running Rabbits Military Museum

Running Rabbits Military Museum PO Box 1106 Upwey 3158 
Vaughan Atherton 0411 575 239 (in regards to firearms) or Leigh Baker 0409 228 455


The Upwey Belgrave RSL, like many RSL’s in Australia, is managed by a volunteer Committee of Management and relies on volunteers for much of the day to day functions within the RSL. 

Financing and fundraising are always a challenge and any donations, whether they be monetary, goods or time are always very much welcomed.

You can donate to the RSL by paying an additional amount on your membership or a direct donation to the RSL (Bendigo Bank – 633000 136030418).  

Any donation to the Welfare Fund is tax-deductible and are used exclusively for Veterans welfare and support. Receipts are readily available.

Donations to the RSL, in general, are used for the support of the community. During these difficult times the RSL is “paying it forward” for needy families and many of our wonderful community members have been actively participating.