Upwey Belgrave RSL

A great place to be, community, acceptance, friendship.

The RSL, something for everyone, come down and enjoy yourself....

Veteran Support

Social Functions

Veterans Monthly Dinner
First Wednesday of the month, 6pm Subsidised meal for Upwey Belgrave RSL Service Members

Member Special Only $4.00 

Great Northern Super Crisp Can
UDL Vodka, Lemon, Lime & Soda Can
Margarita Cocktail Cruiser Can


Social: (Open to the public)

Affiliate: (Family of a Service personnel) 

Service: (Served in the Armed Forces)

Members receive 10% discount on all drinks and main meals

Discounts & offers on events, functions and others entertainment

Events & Entertainment

First Saturday of the month
Saturday 5th October, 7pm - Late
Fun night that is entertaining on many levels...
First Saturday of each month
Free Entry

Silent Disco
Friday 20th September, 7pm 
Tickets $20 includes Glow Sticks
Strictly 18+

3MDR Live Broadcast
Saturday 21st September, 11am
Free Entry

Moonshine Coalition - Dinner and Show
Saturday 21st September, 6pm to 11pm

The Tradesmen
Sunday 22nd September, 1pm
Free Entry

Grand Final Eve
Friday 27th September, 12:30pm to late
Free Entry

Spare Change
Sunday 29th September, 1pm
Free Entry

Upwey Belgrave RSL Parakeet

Our newsletter so called as Parakeet is an Australian Army mobile battlefield communication system. 

Sign up to receive the newsletter containing upcoming events, offers, and general information about the RSL